Without a doubt, the motorbike is one of the vehicles that gives us the most freedom. All bikers know that as well as taking us wherever we want to go, it allows us to move quickly and agilely, thanks to the fact that it is a light and highly versatile vehicle.
With it we feel everything that surrounds riding: we feel the road, the swaying every time we take a curve and the energy of its engine, which with a simple movement of the fist, transmits its power directly to us. All this thanks to its minimal structure, which means that we are literally riding on the machine itself.
But as bikers, we also know that we are more exposed and, because of the same thing that makes us light, agile and free, we are also more vulnerable. Suffering an accident is a concern, which together with that of theft are an indivisible part of the worries of using a motorbike.
That’s why AtlantisMOTO MAX, not only was designed to solve the theft concern, but also to offer bikers extra protection against a possible accident. Our fall detection accessory was added for this purpose. To offer anyone who wants extra peace of mind, the possibility of having it.
The AtlantisMOTO MAX fall sensor accessory automatically alerts
The fall detection sensor is responsible for automatically sending a warning to whomever the driver decides in the event of a fall or accident.
In the event that your bike falls to the ground, if the bike remains in the same position for more than 10 seconds, a message is sent to the recipient (or recipients) previously defined in the APP by the user.
This sensor has a mechanical operation, which is based on the same operating principle that motorbikes use to stop the ignition of the bike in the event of an accident. It is more reliable than electronic sensors (digital accelerometers), as these can send false alerts.
Once you have set it up, the chosen person (or persons) will receive a message with the following information:
- The notice that a fall has been detected.
- The exact location of where the fall occurred (with latitude and longitude, so that it can be passed on to any security, emergency or assistance body).
- Google Maps link to view the map.
This message is sent via the most universal platform possible, an SMS message.
AtlantisMOTO MAX PLUS will send a message to anyone you like
SMS messages are compatible with any phone with GSM connection, require minimum coverage to be delivered and do not require any application to be installed on our mobile phone, so anyone can receive it without doing anything.
With the fall sensor, 100 Atlantis Points are included, which are used to send these messages to whomever the user chooses. That is, 1 Atlantis Point = 1 message sent. They don’t expire, so if you don’t use them, they will always be there for when you need them.
If at any time you need to recharge more Atlantis Points, you can do it from your AtlantisMOTO App, in the “Profile” section. They are priced at 19,90€ for a pack of 100 Atlantis Points.
It is important to note that although the messages do not expire or get lost, your AtlantisMOTO must have an active subscription, as without connection it cannot generate the drop notifications. In case your subscription is no longer active, the Atlantis Points you have are not lost and will be available when you renew your subscription.

The fall sensor can minimise the consequences of an accident and even save your life.
We want you, the most valuable thing on your bike, to also benefit from having a satellite tracking system. By adding the crash sensor, you too will be protected with AtlantisMOTO MAX PLUS. Every second counts, and being prepared can minimise the consequences of an accident and even save your life.