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Activate and deactivate AtlantisMOTO system

23 sistema armado candado

AtlantisMOTO systems are activated or deactivated with the key of your motorbike:

  • When you take the ignition out of the motorbike, the system waits for a while and activates the alarm mode. From that moment on, it will detect any movement that occurs and will automatically notify you on your mobile phone with an alarm notification with: the date, time and location where it has occurred.
  • When you turn on the ignition, the system deactivates the alarm mode and activates the route mode. Route that you can: view, save, delete or download in KML or GPX format from the APP).
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Unauthorised movement alarm

alarma 01

Your Atlantis MOTO can detect unauthorised movement, your bike being knocked over or even an attempt to remove an accessory. And all thanks to its internal motion and vibration sensor with adjustable sensitivity. You can set it to your liking and needs when you need it. You can even deactivate it when you take your bike to the workshop.

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Alarm for disconnection of your motorbike battery

alarma movimiento

Your AtlantisMOTO will alert you if it detects if someone disconnects your bike’s battery, even if the power cables are cut. It will continue to work thanks to its internal safety battery. You can also deactivate it if you take your bike to a workshop.

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Internal safety battery

bateria interna

Atlantis MOTO systems have an internal backup battery. This battery ensures that your system will continue to work, even if your bike’s battery is disconnected.

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Security zone exit alarm

salida zona

Known as a “Geovalla” or security perimeter, you will be able to know if the motorbike leaves this area, towed or even with the keys in the ignition. Because we’ve all left our keys in the bike at some time or another… You can activate or deactivate it from the App whenever you want, even modify the size of the zone. It will alert you immediately so that you can act as soon as possible.

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Inhibitor detection alarm

deteccion inhibiodores

Your Atlantis MOTO is able to detect if a jammer is being used nearby. When that happens it will alert you as soon as it detects it and will do so again when it ends and normal coverage is restored.

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Automatic siren activation on motion detection


If you are interested in automatically detecting an unauthorised movement or an inhibition when a siren sounds on your motorbike, add this optional accessory that offers added security. You can configure how long you want it to sound.

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Automatic programmable tracking

seguimiento robo

In addition to all the available alerts, with this function your AtlantisMOTO will send you the updated position of the bike every “x” seconds, even if the engine is stopped. This way you can easily track and locate it when you need to retrieve it, even if it is moving without the key.

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0 consumption of your motorbike battery


Atlantis Moto MAX offers you the possibility of having 0 consumption of your motorbike’s battery. Its internal battery provides the energy needed to operate and will recharge every time you start your bike. You can also monitor its level and receive an alert when its level is below 10%.

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Real-time localisation


Need to know where your bike is now? Then ask for a location when you need it via the app whenever you want. You have the control.

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Battery level monitoring


From the application you will be able to see the state of your bike’s battery. You can also ask it, whenever you want, what voltage it has and thus keep track of its status, so that it is always ready to go out on the road.

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Battery level warning


Because of its innovative design, when your AtlantisMOTO detects that the charge level of your bike’s battery has dropped below the level you set, it will alert you.

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Configurable speed limit alert

alerta velocidad

If you are interested, for any reason, your AtlantisMOTO can warn you when it detects that your motorbike exceeds the maximum speed you have set. Share your bike if you want, but control it!

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Configurable zone entry or exit warning

entrada salida zona

Create a perimeter of 50, 100, 200meters of an area of your choice, you will be able to detect if your motorbike enters or leaves this area. When your AtlantisMOTO device detects that you are entering and/or leaving this area, it will alert you. You can also notify whoever you want, so that they know you have reached your destination or that you are returning home.

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Warning by activation of Fall Sensor

sensor caida

The fall sensor is the optional accessory, which protects the most important part of your bike – YOU. As bikers on the road we are very exposed and can suffer a fall or an accident. With the sensor connected to your AtlantisMOTO you will have a perfect ally that will watch over you and if something goes wrong it will automatically warn whoever you want automatically. In an unwanted situation, every second counts.

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Automatic notification to your trusted group

aviso grupo confianza

Let the whole world know! Your Atlantis MOTO allows you to automatically alert whoever you want. Define a trusted group to receive the different alarms and/or alerts you want.

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Manual activation of Siren or Starter Lock

activacion bloqueo

Do you want to activate it when you need it? Additionally, if you added an optional accessory (Siren or Starter Lock), with your AtlantisMOTO you can activate it from the app wherever you are and whenever you want.

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Real-time position sharing


Whether you’re on a getaway with your bike or on a trip. Share, if you want, your position in real time, wherever you are and wherever you are in the world. Those who love you most will be able to see where you are at all times.

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Guide to your bike


You’re on a trip and can’t remember where your bike is parked. With this function you will be able to go to your motorbike in a guided way through the navigator of your mobile phone.

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Consult your trips


Your Atlantis MOTO is ready to go on the road, every time you start or stop your bike, it will automatically record your journey. You can consult them whenever you want and see detailed information about each section or a whole day (kilometres travelled, average speed, consumption, cost per trip). You don’t have to do anything, your AtlantisMOTO takes care of everything.

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Automatic route recording

grabar ruta

Enjoy your trip, your AtlantisMOTO will automatically record your route. Forget about apps where you have to start or stop recording the route, which end up draining your phone’s battery and heating it up to the point of ruining it. It’s automatic, your route is always recorded.

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Download GPX or KML files of your routes

file gpx kml

Are you back from your trip? Do you want to download and share it? With AtlantisMOTO you can download the routes in the most common formats KML or GPX. You can share them with whoever you want, use them in a browser or upload them to social networks such as Google Earth or Relive to make videos of your routes, statistics and souvenir photos.

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Sharing routes in the App

compartir ruta

Within the AtlantisMOTO app you can upload and share your routes and also discover the routes that other bikers upload. Our ambassadors share their adventures, follow them inside the app and relive their journeys if you want.

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Group sharing of your position in real time

compartir grupo 500

Create your group, add your riding buddies (even if they don’t have AtlantisMOTO installed, they can use the app as a locator) and share your position in real time. You will see everyone’s position on the same map. You can activate it whenever you want and with whomever you want. Now getting lost is optional.

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